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Wow. It’s hard to believe DBT-LBC has been in operation for over 5 years now. One of our Policies and Procedures states that we will review our certification process every 5 years. We’ve spent about 12 months of intense examination doing so, consulted with other organizations offering certification and also with two organizations that do national and international accreditation of certifying bodies like us. Very enlightening and productive. We have instituted a few changes that we hope you will appreciate and see the value of.

First, we are not raising any fees for the process this year. We have compared our fees with others and we are very reasonable, in fact lower than most. Our volunteers are making it possible for our expenses to remain as low as possible to maintain a lack of fee increases for 5 years!! Thanks to our volunteers for their efforts and contributions, which are many.

Secondly, we are finding that the Exam we have developed has maintained its robustness as far as assessing the relevant knowledge. Our Item Writing group continues to work on an additional bank of questions for subsequent versions of an exam. Pass/fail rates meet the national accreditation standards we are striving to meet.

Third, we are modifying the Work Product requirements a bit. The Case Conceptualization portion of this step is being modified and put into an expanded Session Information Form (SIF), which will no longer be coded for adherence. We want to continue to emphasize the importance of this skill set and will examine a redevelopment of the coding for Case Conceptualization. The SIF is submitted along with the video session tapes; those videos will continue to be coded for adherence. Please see the website for a copy of the revised Session Information Form. We want to continue to encourage conceptualizing your treatment planning from a DBT perspective and those additional questions accomplish that.

The website application process will be updated by the end of March to reflect these changes and those affected have been notified by email and their status will be moved forward accordingly.

Keep up the great work you all do. I’m very proud to be a part of this dedicated community of professionals who make life-changing investments in others who need it most.


P.S. Please be aware that we do not certify nor endorse any training organizations or trainers. Any statements made that convey that any trainings will prepare you for certification are the opinion of the trainer or training organization themselves. We encourage a buyer beware approach to those offering training.


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