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We are honored to share that The Washington State Leadership Board (WSLB) announced their 48th Annual Leadership Award Honorees with Dr. Marsha Linehan, the developer of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, as the recipient of the Legacy of Service award.
Geraldine Rodriguez, Dr. Linehan’s daughter, proudly accepted the award on her behalf and discussed her mother’s profound impact:
“Thank you, Washington State Leadership Board, for this incredible recognition of my mother, Dr. Marsha Linehan, for her work in the mental health field. At one point in her life, my mother found herself in hell; she was able to get out and then vowed to go back to get others out. Through her scientific research at the University of Washington, her compassion, determination, and life of service, she was able to develop Dialectical Behavior Therapy; a ground-breaking-life-changing treatment that has proven to be effective in treating many mental disorders. DBT is her best attempt at fulfilling that vow. Our hope is that with this award, we continue to work together to provide the care and treatment that affect so many humans in our state, our county, and the world. DBT changes lives and it has become our mission to make it available far and wide to all those who need it.”
This award is yet another example of the impact that Dr. Linehan has had on the world and how her work continues to make an impact and save lives. Congratulations Dr. Linehan on this lifetime achievement award.
#DBT #DBTLBC #CertificationMatters #DBTTherapy #MarshaLinehan #LifetimeAchievement