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Tributes to Seth Axelrod

In his honor, here is a tribute written by Andrea Gold, PhD, and Suzanne Decker, PhD. Seth Axelrod, PhD was a DBT clinician, teacher, mentor, scholar, and friend. He directed the Dialectical Behavior Therapy track at the Yale-New Haven Hospital Intensive Outpatient Program, serving some of the highest-risk and most deeply suffering individuals who receive…
March 8, 2022
DBT-LBC Certified Programs

The Wavefront DBT Program at UCSF Team Lead Esme Shaller, PhD Date Certified 01/06/23 City, State San Francisco, CA Insurance Accepted Yes; Most commercial insurance held by individuals in Northern California. Currently not in contract with MediCal currently. Have had success with Single Case Agreements (SCA) with Kaiser. Population Served Adolescents; Young adults (up to age 25) Level of Care…
February 18, 2022

Finding it difficult to find a clinician or program that is covered by your insurance?

See below for some strategies for obtaining treatment with a DBT-LBC Certified clinician or program covered by your insurance We at the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification™ (DBT-LBC™) are committed to helping all individuals receive quality DBT services regardless of financial situation. We understand that the process of identifying high fidelity providers and programs who accept insurance…
November 8, 2021

Letter from the President’s Desk – November 2021

Expressing Gratitude: DBT-LBC Certification Discounts The past 2 years have really given the term ‘new normal’ a whole new meaning. How can you find gratitude in this ‘new normal’? As an organization of volunteers, DBT-LBC is forever grateful for everyone in the DBT community working to help those struggling the most.  With so many continuing…
November 8, 2021
people standing on shore during golden hour

Preparing the Environment for Change: Pretreatment for Families

ISITDBT 2021 is Thursday November 18, and this edition of the research corner serves as a backdrop for some of this year’s scheduled workshops. Read on to refresh your memory with what’s already out there, as well as get a sneak peek at what’s to come at ISITDBT 2021.  We know that DBT treatment has…
October 8, 2021

Program Spotlight: Chicago DBT Institute (CDBTI)

The owner of Chicago DBT Institute (CDBTI), Dr. Kay Segal, started her DBT journey while being supervised by one of Marsha’s former students, Eunice Chen, PhD. She was fortunate enough to get to hang around some of the OG DBTers at ISITDBT meetings every year and recalls listening to Marsha speak about certification, her vision…
October 8, 2021

Letter from the President’s Desk-August 2021

So Much Has Changed all While So Much Has Remained the Same: Living in a World of Dialectics I hope you all are doing well amidst the ongoing challenges that we all continue to face. It is hard to believe that a year has come and gone and so much has changed while so much…
August 8, 2021

Research on the effectiveness of DBT outcomes

As DBT practitioners, we know the research on the effectiveness of DBT outcomes. Delivered to fidelity, DBT treatment remains the number one evidence-based intervention for treating Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms. Still, what about those clients that don’t show improvement with the comprehensive model? An observational study  (Salamin, Virginie & Kratzel, Armin & Gothuey, Isabelle & Guenot, Florence.…
August 8, 2021
DBT-LBC Certified Programs

Inner Solutions Ltd Team Lead Jessica Heil Date Certified 6/24/21 City, Province Calgary, AB Insurance Accepted No Population Served Adults; Adolescents Level of Care Provided Outpatient Additional Program Information Inner Solutions is a private practice that has been supporting people and their families in their mental health journey for the past two decades. Our team specializes in…
June 16, 2021