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Letter from the President’s Desk – November 2020

What are you grateful for? Greetings all, The chatter in our conference rooms or our cafeterias is replaced with the disquiet we are experiencing in our social distancing bubbles. These new adjustments have made everyday normalcies like getting dressed in the mornings or making dinner feel like the day’s greatest achievements. It is extremely easy to…
November 8, 2020

Special Edition Newsletter. We are all in this together

As we find ourselves in the midst of a global health crisis, we have all had to find our new norm. With that comes many unexpected challenges that we have not had an opportunity to prepare for. So many of us are faced with the challenge of balancing work and home and creating a system…
October 15, 2020

Letter from the New President’s Desk

Hello all My name is Kimberly Vay and I am humbled to have been elected as the new President of DBT-LBC and will be working alongside Joan Russo, Immediate Past President. I am so excited to work with the DBT-LBC organization in this new role. Congratulations to Dan Finnegan on his new position as Treasurer.…
April 2, 2020

Letter from the President’s Desk – March 2020

Wow. It’s hard to believe DBT-LBC has been in operation for over 5 years now. One of our Policies and Procedures states that we will review our certification process every 5 years. We’ve spent about 12 months of intense examination doing so, consulted with other organizations offering certification and also with two organizations that do…
March 7, 2020