The field is always evolving, and new research and treatment developments will unfold; therefore, DBT-LBC, Clinician Certification requires an annual MOC to ensure that we all are staying up to date with our knowledge and skills as DBT providers. To that end, Maintenance of Certification (MOC) is a vital part of DBT-LBC, Clinician Certification.  Its purpose is to encourage and monitor life-long learning specific to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and assure on-going competency in the knowledge and skills necessary to provide adherent DBT.

Below you will find the MOC Process and Eligibility Requirements

Fee: $95 annually

When: Annually (reminders will be sent out in November and renewal is due by the end of the calendar year)

Continuing Education (CE) Credits: After initial Certification, every two years, the Certificant will be required to obtain 15 continuing education credits, 15 hours are required with 8 of the 15 are to be specific to DBT. The other 7 hours can be non-DBT specific, but related (i.e., Ethics, Diversity, Trauma, Mindfulness Related, Cognitive Therapy Behavior related (CBT), etc.) At the time of Annual Renewal, you will be asked to update your Continuing Education hours with the dates and name of the CE/trainer. Passing the DBT-LBC™ initial Certification exam will substitute for 8 of the 15 required CEs in the first two years.

Proof of the required number of CEs is to be updated on your certification profile every two years, however, Certificants are encouraged to submit them at the time they are obtained for ease of tracking.

Additional Requirements: Must attest each year that they meet all of the original eligibility requirements.

Must maintain a current unrestricted professional license. Any disciplinary action taken against the license must be disclosed to DBT-LBC™ by the Certificant immediately; each Certificant’s license(s) will be primary source verified.