Below you will find recommendations regarding the most effective approach to identifying a Comprehensive DBT program for you or your loved one.

Please note that there may sometimes be variations in programs; however, these are recommendations that can help you identify that you are in fact receiving the treatment you are seeking.

Comprehensive DBT consists of four components:
  1. Weekly individual therapy (typically 45-60 minutes):
    • Sessions are structured with the use of a Diary Card to ensure that the clients targets are being addressed (Behaviors that aren’t targeted do not change)
    • Ensure that the individual therapist has received intensive DBT training or is a DBT-LBC, Certified Clinician™ or supervised by someone who has been intensively trained or is a DBT-LBC, Certified Clinician™.
  2. Weekly DBT skills training group (2 hours):
    • Group is didactic in nature and NOT a process group. Skills training requires that both teaching of new material AND a review of assigned weekly homework is conducted.
    • For Adult DBT-research indicates that outcomes for adult clients are best if they complete 2 full cycles of the program’s skills training curriculum.
    • For Adolescent DBT, the group is typically a Multi-Family Group where the client and caregivers attend together.
  3. In between session phone coaching is needed to help the client use skills in daily life and avoid higher levels of care.
  4. Clinician Consultation Team meeting where DBT therapists participate in a weekly consultation team meeting with only other DBT trained therapists.
Words on hope from clients who have received Comprehensive DBT 

“I am continually amazed that I have made it this far, and I am curious as to how much farther I can keep going.”

“If I can make it through this, I have a future waiting, with people who need me.”

“I can see hope. Sometimes it’s a little foggy, but I can still make out the outline of it.”

“My therapist puts so much effort into me and I don’t want to let him down. If he can care that much, there must be something worth fighting for. I want to find what he can already see.”

“I have the feeling that there is something more out there that I have not yet found.”

“Together, with my therapist, I want to get to the life worth living.”

“I’ve managed to survive such horrendous experiences earlier on. It would just seem unfair to me to give up on myself now.”

“I’ve learned that I matter.”

“DBT saved my life”

“My life now is different in that I’m part of my life now. I have an awareness of what I am doing, where I am, what I am saying, who I’m with… I now see the beauty of reality – I don’t have to run away from it because it scares me. I have a better sense of reality and can recognize when my mind wanders out of it. I know the skills to get into a better emotional frame of mind. I can now help others as well as learn from them. Life is fuller and richer. It is easier now to trust others and let them in – to not be afraid of others or myself.”