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Using DBT Skills not with my BPD Person

Thoughts from our Public Member - Chris Kallas Sometimes things don’t go as we planned.  Often, actually. At those times, it’s good to have resilience. Skills are helpful too. When I sat in front of Marsha and learned DBT, I thought I was doing it for my child. I never thought I would be using…
Chris Kallas
September 8, 2021

Letter from the President’s Desk-August 2021

So Much Has Changed all While So Much Has Remained the Same: Living in a World of Dialectics I hope you all are doing well amidst the ongoing challenges that we all continue to face. It is hard to believe that a year has come and gone and so much has changed while so much…
August 8, 2021

Research on the effectiveness of DBT outcomes

As DBT practitioners, we know the research on the effectiveness of DBT outcomes. Delivered to fidelity, DBT treatment remains the number one evidence-based intervention for treating Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms. Still, what about those clients that don’t show improvement with the comprehensive model? An observational study  (Salamin, Virginie & Kratzel, Armin & Gothuey, Isabelle & Guenot, Florence.…
August 8, 2021

What’s the lesson for us from this pandemic?

Thoughts from our Public Member We all say that it’s important to be mentally healthy. After several months of living under this pandemic, we have had a chance to realize how truly important - and difficult to achieve - mental health is.  What’s a ‘little thing’ is also more apparent. If everyone is on edge…
Chris Kallas
June 10, 2021

DBT Treatment and Telehealth

Anyone else curious how we are evolving as DBT clinicians practicing telehealth? Overall, online sessions presented their own dialectic, with therapists both lauding its ability to reach clients as never before, as well as lamenting the difficulty of a virtual therapy setting.
May 19, 2021

Letter from the President’s Desk – May 2021

Hello all and Happy Spring, I want to take a moment to wish our treatment developer and distinguished leader, Dr. Marsha Linehan a Happy Belated Birthday (May 5th). She has been an inspiration to so many and has provided hope to those suffering the most. Marsha, Happy Birthday and THANK YOU!  If you haven’t already…
May 11, 2021

Letter from the President’s Desk-February 2021

Hello all,  Welcome to 2021! I would like to take this opportunity to express to each and every one of you my gratitude and thanks to each of you that remain at the heart of DBT-LBC. I would like to share some updates and acknowledgments with you as we launch into 2021. First, I want…
February 28, 2021

Public Reflections:​ DBT for Congress

Having lived for many years in a family with a member who has BPD, as I watched our Congress this past year, I kept thinking that teaching Congress members DBT Skills would result in enormous benefits to our country. After the attack on the Capitol a few weeks ago, frightening and sad as it was,…
February 20, 2021

Misconceptions and DBT treatment – What’s Being Left Out?

As DBT therapists, we know that part of our job is to validate our client’s experiences while challenging misconceptions. But how do we address the false impressions in the community at large? Click here to read what we’ve found and what to do next! Recent examples of public misconceptions about DBT left us wondering what…
February 16, 2021

An Interview with Joan Russo

Celebrating the Contributions of an Integral Member to DBT-LBC Joan Russo, Ph.D., DBT-LBC Immediate Past President, has made countless contributions to DBT-LBC over the past 10 years. In the following interview, Joan discusses the early days of DBT, her experiences with the development of DBT-LBC, and her adventurous plans for the future! How did you…
February 8, 2021