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The Communications Committee aims to get the word out about the value of certification to colleagues, consumers, family members and the general publicThe goal of this group is to identify ways for DBT-LBC to become more visible to the public, increase enthusiasm amongst the DBT clinicians, increase awareness and interest in applying for certification, support clinicians and use communications to aid in fundraising. We currently utilize four social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.  
The committee meets once a month on the first Friday of each month at noon EST via zoom. If you are not able to attend that meeting, that doesn’t mean you can’t participate on this committee. A large portion of this committee’s work is creating content for our social media and so the volunteer time doing that can be whenever works best for you. We have committee members who post weekly, every other week, or create content more sporadically. We are a fun crew and love allowing people to use their creativity and experiences to share the DBT-LBC mission. We are currently accepting volunteers.